I've seen them before ( okay it was only on the internet, but i would still love to have them :))
"Essential" Billy B from Scandalous Beauty (love that gurl <3)
"The complete" Billy B brushes
I recently went to Sephora and tried the Makeup Forever HD foundation.
I colour matched myself so it's possible that I am off. I believe that I am colour 178. What I liked about this foundation is it's in pump format so you have a bit more control of how much product comes out.
I liked how they had models showing the colour of each foundation so you could see the difference between 175 and 175 without your hand being covered in foundation. Again there just to give you an idea of what colour you may be but I liked them.
I also tried the HD powder, it is sooooo soft and smooth and it is very fine, I tried MUFE's kubuki brush. LOVE it. Its so soft i couldn't stop touching it. I ran my hand over it for at least a good minute, No lie :)
Erin from Scandalous Beauty has done a youtube video on applying MUFE HD foundation, check it out.
Okay so I am experiencing some problems, I have changed my url address a few times ( I was so naive) I thought that It didn't make any difference. How wrong I was.
I have found that posts that were published under the other names will not show up when I try to click on them now, which I am finding very frustrating.
I have tried to make "corrections" or "changes" to the posts but I haven't had any luck with that tatic.
Has anyone experienced this before, any adivce to offer, I would appreciate it.
Thanks :D
Its a nice review, I am so interested in purchasing the soaps and other products. The website is http://www.chagrinvalleysoapandcraft.com/.
These suggestions are not so much skin tone as they are skin colour, they advice and colour suggestions still seem sound though. Again this excerpt is taken from Carmindy's book The 5-Minute Face
Mocha skin
Women with this coloring have so many makeup hues to choose from, and they look especially radiant in golden colors.
Choose golden-pink shimmer. It will bring out the natural gold in your skin.
Pick caramels, toffees, coffees, chocolate browns, deep wines, navy blues, granites, golds, bronzes, emerald greens, teals, deep plums, and violets.
Look for berries, golden corals, bronzes, terracottas, deep warm pinks, and dark apricots.
Think sheer golds, beiges, coffees, caramels, toffees, bronzes, berries, plums, wines, pinks, corals, sheer raisins, and garnet reds.
Dark skin
You can pull off bold, jewel-toned colors like no one else! Anything too light or sheer might look ashy.
Choose a true gold color. It's the perfect hue for you.
Choose golds, coppers, bronzes, coffees, deep navy and cobalt, rich dark eggplant and purples, deep jewel-toned greens, slate and dark charcoal grays, metallics, ebony, and deep mahogany and chocolate browns.
Fast fix
Make the whites of your eyes pop by applying sapphire blue pencil along the inner rims.
Think dark raisins, burnt orange, magentas, fuchsia (don't be scared, it will look beautiful on dark skin), and rich blood reds.
Pick sheer lip gloss in shimmery clears, golds, honeys, caramels, oranges, corals, tangerine, deep plums, bronzes, and bronzy pinks. Or choose lipsticks in sheer mahogany, blackberry, maroon, raisin, and deep red.
Olive skin
In addition to women with Hispanic roots, this group includes all women with olive skin, such as those from Italy, India, or the Middle East. Bright colors, like coral, on cheeks and lips, and everything from shimmery bronzes and pale golds to deep greens and blues around your eyes will play up your amazing skin color.
I love pale golds and pinky golds to highlight the skin and create a luminous glow.
Eyes look amazing in rich sparkling browns and burgundies, copper, bronze, gold, warm tawny pinks, eggplants and warm plums, deep forest greens, and sapphire blues.
Think warm pinks, corals, brownish rose, apricot, and bronze.
Go for warm pinks, sheer shimmery nudes, corals, peachy apricot, bronze and golds, golden berry shimmer, and sheer blood reds
This one is for Brunettes and Asians again this excerpt is from Carmindy's book The 5-Minute Face
Brunettes have naturally dark eyebrows and lashes that frame and define their eyes, so they can get away with wearing less makeup. At the same time, their typically medium-toned skin allows them to choose from a wider range of colors that women with other skin tones.
Champagne shimmer works best on you.
Play with all shades of shimmering browns, silvery taupes, mochas, golden pinks, gold, bronze, navy and sapphire blues, purples and plums, burgundies, and forest greens.
Choose rose, berries, bronzes, and terracottas.
Wear rose hues, berries, plums, bonzes, golden pinks, browny pinks, shimmering mochas, sheer corals, wines, and true reds. Avoid pastel colors (i.e., any shade that looks like it has white mixed in). These will just wash you out.
Asian women are among the most naturally beautiful in the world. They usually have full lips (the kind the rest of us dream of) and skin that never seems to age. Asian complexions looks best when color is brought to the cheeks and eyes are defined.
Pale pink shimmer looks gorgeous and makes the most of your naturally beautiful skin.
Choose colors in shades of tawny pinks, shimmering taupes and browns, burgundy, vanilla, emerald green, granite, silvery plums, and deep purples.
Wear pinks, berries, plums, and roses.
Fast fix
Save time by turning a cream blush into a two-in-one product. Blend the cream blush on the apples of your cheeks then dab the same color onto your lips for a quick natural look.
Opt for pinks, like raspberry, roses, golden pink shimmers, pinky browns, mauves, deep plum stains, shimmering beiges, and nudes.
Porcelain-skinned redhead
Look for a sheer white or vanilla tone. Although you will barely see it, the effect will create a subtle "halo" of light that makes your eyes pop.
Choose sable or chocolate browns, toasty taupes, pale golds, peaches, light bronzes, coppers, burgundy browns, eggplants, or khaki greens. Brown mascara looks more natural than black, which can be too harsh against fair skin; this is one of the few cases where I'll say this, otherwise, I prefer black mascara.
Pick peaches, apricot pinks, or light coal shades.
Think peaches and warm pinks, sheer corals, apricots, honey-colored nudes, raisins, and gold-flecked reds.
Beware the invisible brow fuzzies
Who knows why, but if you are super fair, chances are that your brow bone is decorated with baby fine blonde hairs. You may barely notice them, but once you slide on highlighter, they'll show. Keep this in mind when you groom your brows -- work in bright light (sunlight, ideally) and tweeze those tiny guys away.
The freckle factor
Women who have porcelain skin, especially redheads, tend to be blessed with freckles. People associate freckles with youth -- a good thing! They give you a fresh, sun-kissed look. So please love your freckles and don't try to hide them behind concealer. Let them show!
Blondes come in a wide range of skin tones, from porcelain to olive. Colorful shades like pinks and rose bring color to the face and provide contrast.
Fast fix
Many of you have probabley seen the words warm or cool skin tone attributed to a cosmetic product. Warm skin tones and cool skin tones can be broken down a bit more to include, olive skin tones, neutral skin tones and others, for now Im going to stick with warm and cool though.
There are many websites that give you different ways you can check to see what skin tone you are, the one chart that I have seen and that I thought was the simplest to comprehend is this one by 3Custom Colour.
In my researching it has proved difficult to narrow down what skin tone is exactly. In my opinion the best explanation by far is that of as mentioned above 3CC.
Many sites try to define whether you are cool or warm by your skin colour. I will post the chart from 3CC and you can see how they do it. I realize that I refer back to that company alot, but they have the most comprehensive information regarding skin tone that is not contrary that I have been able to find.